Global Eco Artisans Awards Celebrate the Best in Eco-artisanal Design

By Fashion Revolution

4 years ago

Fashion Revolution USA is partering with The Global Eco Artisans Awards 2021, a global competition to recognize, celebrate and promote the best in eco-artisanal handcrafted textiles and luxe accessories from visionary makers from all over the world. The Awards aspire to uncover emerging talent to be AGAATI’s partners in leading the ‘Fashion for Change’ movement and making handmade mainstream. It is an opportunity to heighten the visibility and build new business opportunities for makers and craftspeople by bringing the global handcraft eco system together.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to take lives and upend livelihoods, exacerbate inequalities and create uncertainty for all of us, we remain committed in our mission to empower artisans by discovering talent and in bridging the gap between our makers and the global market.

This global initiative AGAATI aims to: 

  • Connect artisans to an international audience and help build new business by better understanding the needs of the modern consumer and learning about relevant digital marketing and pricing tools to flourish with ecommerce
  • Challenge and inspire the artisans to lead into the future with their creativity and heritage skills
  • Provide visibility for the artisans to showcase the best in eco-artisanal textiles & accessories before an eminent group of judges of fashion and sustainability, get valuable feedback and win back the confidence to persevere and conserve their artistry
  • Make handmade and craftsmanship mainstream

The organization will select artisans who are passionate about creating one-of-a-kind, environmentally conscious, handmade accessories and textiles that will WOW women from all walks of life. Individuals and teams are both qualified to participate.

It can be artisans that make anything from jewelry , to scarves and stoles, bags, hats, or textiles (3 meters of finished textile that can be used for garments, accessories or home decor).

The Jury will select the winners based on 3 main criteria: Design & aesthetics (35%), craftsmanship & materials (35%), and quality & finish (30%).

Deadline for submissions is November 30th. 2020. If you want to learn more visit their website.