The benefits of fashion rental

By By Rotation

3 years ago

This is a guest blog post from By Rotation, the world’s first peer to peer social fashion rental app. 

With the rise of fast fashion due to competitive pricing and the “wear once” mindset, the amount of clothing we consume has doubled over the last 15 years and 30% of our garments haven’t been worn in over a year. The same textile production industry produces approximately 1.2 billion tonnes of Carbon Dioxide equivalent per year, more than the aviation and shipping industries combined. (source)

In 2021, by choosing to rent & lend their wardrobes instead of buying new, By Rotation’s community took 150 cars off the road, saved 2,400 dresses worth of textile waste from going to landfill and conserved 66 Olympic sized swimming pools of water. 

The benefits of sharing over owning

Utilisation: Increasing utilisation of existing items (we love the 30 wears rule!)
Waste: Decreasing whim-filled shopping and borrowing for once-wear occasions like weddings or birthdays.
Space: An optimal wardrobe that values quality and statement pieces
Community: Connecting with the By Rotation community & meeting new Rotators. We’ve had renters and lenders form friendships over sharing an item with each other on the app.
Cost: A more cost-effective approach to a new look
Passive Income: A great way to make some extra money
Behaviour change: Rotators can track their own positive carbon footprint

“Our business model is entirely built on sustainability, our priorities are to remain digital, and enhance the users journey through our in-house developed machine learning tools, not to purchase inventory for the business, plus include a wide audience from all over the UK, and eventually globally. Our community and technology are our strengths. We find that a lot of ‘rotators’ come to us because they are looking to be more conscious with their fashion choices. As a constantly improving business, we strive to better our sustainability credentials with innovations such as the carbon emissions calculator feature in our app. We are always looking at ways to educate our users better on how to ensure items are cleaned and packed in the most environmentally friendly way possible.” – Eshita Kabra-Davies, founder of ByRotation



Further reading

How sustainable is rental fashion?
Earth Day: Fashion’s environmental impact
Dopamine dressing and #LovedClothesLast