Fashion Revolution Week: Global Shapers make their mark

By Faye Francisco 

6 years ago

Fashion Revolution Week is a global movement and this year the World Economic Forum’s young professional group, Global Shapers, had 35 cities participate in activities ranging from panels to clothing swaps. 

The Global Shapers Community is a network of inspiring young people under the age of 30, working together to address local, regional and global challenges. There are more than 7,000 members in the Global Shapers Community across 369 city-based hubs in 171 countries.

The contribution of the Global Shapers networks during Fashion Revolution Week 2019 created an impact that is ongoing even after Fashion Revolution Week ended. The Global Shapers not only raised awareness through events but created a social media campaign to help people join in on the revolution. 

The results of the campaign did not only increase awareness and education but globally, people were taking the five steps to join the revolution.  For example, the Shapers in Milan decided to hold a second clothing collection weeks after Fashion Revolution week ended, where the clothes were donated to Casa Della Carita “Angelo Abriani”, a refugee and homeless shelter. While Shapers in Amsterdam held a second edition of their Fashion Revolution week event, Shaping Fashion, to further discuss the digital tools and transparency in the fashion supply chain. They reviewed a few tools, such as the Good on You app and a prototype of a product impact calculator.  From this discussion, they “had a great mix of people joining with diverse backgrounds and really good energy going on resulting in highly valuable insights for both Fashion For Good and Sustainable Apparel Coalition,” says Colette, an Amsterdam Global Shaper. Then in India, Raashi, a Bangalore Global shaper hosted a panel discussion and clothing swap event. During this event, they created a quiz to help educate consumers on how to adopt a mindful clothing mindset. 

While in the Americas, Faye Francisco, a Dallas Global Shaper is creating partnerships with local companies to host upcycling and repair workshops in Texas to help educate citizens on how to better make their garments last. As for South America, Isis, an Argentinian Global Shaper, believes that “ change must be generated by consumers choices, educational institutions, social organizations and the public and private sector.” She has plans to create a local collective movement of designers to organize events where different sectors of the industry can connect and discuss further on what they can do to help fight the fight against fast fashion. 

These are just some of the ways Fashion Revolution Week made an impact. With the 7th year coming next April, this is just the beginning of its ongoing impact.

Below are five simple ways you can join the revolution:

  • Step 1: Ask #whomademyclothes – demand more transparency from your favorite brand
  • Step 2: Assess Your Closet – know and treasure what you own
  • Step 3: Wash Smart – wash cool, use eco-detergent, air dry
  • Step 4: Upcycle, Repair and Share – make each piece last
  • Step 5: Shop Less and Buy Well – when you buy, buy second-hand, ethical, organic and only items you love and that will last