
We want to commemorate Fashion Revolution Week 20 – 26 April all over Romania and make people understand how important is for the fashion future to create a sustainable environment and become more responsible with the labor force.

Romania has a history in manufacturing for over 50 years, being known as a great hub in South – Eastern Europe for factories in different fields of textile. Many of the big players of international fashion market produce their garments in Romania, as they are offered a specialized know-how, trained workers and low prices. We are proud of our country experience in textile and we want to cherish that heritage and protect it, so that what happened in Bangladesh, at Rana Plaza not to happen ever again. We want to make global brands understand that we need to look for the future and create a more responsible work environment for the workers.

We will create events, exhibitions and public campaigns with Romanian designers and textile manufacturers to promote better practices for a sustainable future for the fashion industry. We encourage everyone to ask brands #whomademyclothes during Fashion Revolution Week 20 – 26 April.

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Country Coordinator

Mariana Stan

Mariana Stan

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Country Team

Mira Mocanu

Mira Mocanu

Social Media Assistant

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Doris Manu

Doris Manu

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Magdalena Aldea

Magdalena Aldea

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Floriana Sandu

Floriana Sandu

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Alina Rachieru

Alina Rachieru

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Fashion Revolution is only nine years old and already the world’s largest fashion activism movement.
We will continue to push for greater transparency through investigative research,
inspiring informative content and creative events, but we need your help.


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