
Namaste from Fashion Revolution India!

We are a dedicated team aspiring for a sustainable fashion industry. We challenge, confront, and combat brands and organizations that value profit over people while promoting and educating all forms of ethical and conscious fashion. 

India is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of textile and apparel providing employment to around 45 million people with a majority comprised of a female workforce in the garment industry. We are also one of the largest consumer markets in the world. As such, our voices are bound to have a huge influence on the fashion industry in terms of the ethical treatment of supply chain workers and a cleaner and safer manufacturing process. After all, we envision a fashion industry where workers and farmers earn the livelihoods they deserve and a supply chain process that restores and conserves the natural environment. 

At the forefront of our work, we always remember the words of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of our nation – “There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it makes hunger and unhappiness”.

On this note, we urge you to ask brands #WhoMadeMyClothes and #Whatsinmyclothes to remind them of their primary responsibility towards workers and laborers.

We welcome all sustainable fashion enthusiasts who wish to take part in our campaign and contribute to our movement. If you’d like to support or reach out to us, you can do so using any of the handles below or download resources from our website to take part in our campaigns. 

Contact Us

Email: or fill out this contact form below.

Follow us on…

Read our report: Craft in the Age of the Climate Crisis

Download the Report

Read our report: Reimagining the Craft Economy in India Post Covid-19

Download the Report

Read our policy report: Gender Equity and its Impact on Sustainability in Cotton Farming in India



Country Coordinator

Shruti Singh

Shruti Singh

Country Head & Director

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Country Team

Apurva Kothari

Apurva Kothari

Adviser & Cotton Specialist

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Mankiran Dhillon

Mankiran Dhillon

Lead, Strategy and Partnerships

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Astha Jain

Astha Jain

Lead Research

Pooja Srinivas

Pooja Srinivas

Lead Fundraising & Partnerships

Khushi Sehgal

Khushi Sehgal

Lead, Community Engagement

Amal Ahamed

Amal Ahamed

Project Coordinator

Aditi Holani

Aditi Holani

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Shreya Basu

Shreya Basu

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Bhaavya Goenka

Bhaavya Goenka

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Devina Singh

Devina Singh

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We will continue to push for greater transparency through investigative research, inspiring informative content and creative events, but we need your help.

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