There are many ways you can be a Fashion Revolutionary.
Use your voice and your power to make positive change.
Fashion Revolution started with a hashtag and we are now the largest fashion activism movement, reaching millions worldwide.
We aim to promote cultural, industrial, and political change. We push for greater transparency in the fashion supply chain through policy work, research, campaigning, advocacy, and education.
Regular donations from people just like you help us to take action on transforming the fashion industry for good.
DONATEFashion Revolution Week is our annual campaign bringing together the world’s largest fashion activism movement for a week of action. This year, we will harness the transformative power of collective action to drive systemic change.
Our theme this year is Think Globally, Act Locally: Empowering citizens to engage their local policymakers.
Sewing the Seeds explores fashion activism through articles, photography and illustrations created by the Leeds Beckett University students & staff, and designers, makers & innovators around the north of England.
The proceeds of this non-profit zine will go towards creating more inspiring and informative resources like this zine in the future and helping to grow the Fashion Revolution movement.
BUY A ZINEWhat Fuels Fashion? is a special edition, single-issue report of the Global Fashion Transparency Index. This report ranks 250 of the world’s largest fashion brands on disclosure of their climate and energy-related policies, practices and impacts in their own operations and supply chains.
The research is broken down into five key themes: Accountability, Decarbonisation, Energy Procurement, Financing Decarbonisation, Just Transition and Advocacy
READ THE REPORTOur bi-weekly newsletter is the best place to stay up to date with campaigns and actions.
SIGN UPFashion Revolution is a global movement with teams in over 80 countries. Search for your local team here and support their campaigns.
FIND YOUR COUNTRYFrom how-to guides to reports to toolkits, we have a wealth of information and learnings for you to download and read about.