Thinking Threads

By Fashion Revolution

5 months ago

Tena is a communication specialist and an ethical fashion advocate, based in Brussels. With a background in anthropology and a passion for education, ethics and sustainability, she started Thinking Threads in the summer of 2020. Since then, she has worked with Fashion Revolution Belgium, Fair Trade, and several ethical brands to challenge mainstream ideas about clothes, style, ethics and sustainability. She regularly writes for online publications and hosts slow fashion events, mainly in Belgium and Croatia.

Upcoming events

  • 18/04/2024 18:00 - 18/04/2024 21:00

    At this edition of our Idealists Quarterly drinks & talks event, we will focus on FASHION – jointly with the NGO Fashion Revolution.

    April marks eleven years since the Rana Plaza collapse – a tragedy that killed thousands of textile workers. It brought global attention onto how immensely the fashion industry exploits people and planet. Since then, Fashion Revolution has been organising the world’s largest fashion activism movement.

    Together with our speakers, we will explore:

    What is fashion’s purpose in the 21st century? Who is it serving? How can we ensure it is inclusive and sustainable?

    And how can we spark local community action that is globalintersectional and inclusive – in relation to the production of textiles, global supply chains, fashion as an artistic form of expression, and much more.


    Tena is a communication specialist and an ethical fashion advocate, based in Brussels. With a background in anthropology and a passion for education, ethics and sustainability, she started Thinking Threads in the summer of 2020. Since then, she has worked with Fashion Revolution Belgium, Fair Trade, and several ethical brands to challenge mainstream ideas about clothes, style, ethics and sustainability. She regularly writes for online publications and hosts slow fashion events, mainly in Belgium and Croatia.