Fashion Revolution
4 years ago
Upcoming events
09/04/2021 23:00 - 29/04/2021 10:00
THE EKO LAB es un evento de moda sostenible que reúne exposiciones, charlas y talleres con diseñadores emergentes vascos para poner en valor su trabajo y el proceso de fabricación textil.
THE EKO LAB es un evento dinámico e innovador que pretende acercar la transformación que está viviendo la industria de la moda actualmente a la ciudadanía bilbaína. Este proyecto nace de la pregunta: "¿Quién hizo mi ropa?" formulada por Fashion Revolution y que a través de la iniciativa "Fashion Open Studio" invita a visitar los estudios de los diseñadores y descubrir los equipos de personas que hay detrás de la ropa que vestimos.
THE EKO LAB pretende ser un espacio para la conversación honesta, la transparencia y la responsabilidad, haciendo especial hincapié en el punto 12 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Ofrece a los diseñadores la oportunidad de compartir soluciones innovadoras y creativas a algunos de los urgentes desafíos sociales y ambientales a la que se enfrenta la industria en la actualidad.
Inscripciones: Gratuitas, a través de la página web . También se pueden seguir las novedades a través de la cuenta de Instagram @theekolab
Evento organizado por Laura Marchante Lersundi, Libe Kerroum Arriola-Bengoa y Amaia Garzón Agirre e incluido dentro del Plan Bilbao Aurrera del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao.
15/04/2021 - 17/04/2021 All day
ABOUT A WORKER: Create your own linen pencil case
KA-SHA: Design & Dialogue with KA-SHA
LYDIA BOLTON: Remaking your own T-Shirts
E.L.V. DENIM x RESKINNED: A talk and tour of a textile sourcing facility
PATRICK McDOWELL: Catholic Fairytales IG live
JOSHUA JAMES SMALL; Design development talk and upcycling Q&A
KEVIN GERMANIER: Glorious Garbage
JOHN ALEXANDER SKELTON : In conversation with Charlie Porter
16/04/2021 03:00 - 18/04/2021 04:30
Fashion Question Time is a powerful platform to debate the future of the fashion industry during Fashion Revolution Week.
This year’s theme, ‘Rights, Relationships and Revolution’ is incredibly pressing in our current global socio-political context. Human rights and the rights of nature are interconnected and interdependent. We need a revolutionary shift in our relationships with each other, with our clothes, within fashion supply chains, and with the natural world, for our own prosperity and wellbeing, and for the health of our earth, rivers and oceans. Growing numbers of people are radically reassessing what’s meaningful in their lives and starting to reimagine the values at the essence of a new fashion system.
On the panel, we'll be joined by:
Nicole Rycroft, founder and executive director of Canopy.
Nazma Akter, a Bangladeshi trade unionist, founder of AWAJ Foundation and Sommilito Garments Sramik Federation.
Lara Wolters, a Dutch politician and member of the European Parliament
Dr Vandana Shiva, an Indian author, scholar and environmental activist.
Sunny Dolat, a stylist, production designer and creative director, co-founder of The Nest Collective and member of Fashion Revolution Kenya.
The panel will be chared by Baroness Lola Young, co-chair and cross-bench peer for the UK's All-Party Parliamentary Group: Ethics and Sustainability in Fashion. It will follow a BBC Question Time format and will discuss projections, ideas and best practice as well as answer a diverse range of questions submitted by participants and members of the public. If you wish to submit a question please email it alongside your full name to
Hosted in collaboration with the V&A Museum with an opening speech by Tristram Hunt. -
16/04/2021 - 18/04/2021 All day
IRO IRO: The film of people
MAISON FALIAKOS: Upcycled couture and meet the team – A 3-day event
THE SUSTAINABLE ANGLE: Sustainable material sourcing open studio
KA-SHA: Design & Dialogue - Art of Hand Quilting
FOS X ATLAS OF THE FUTURE SPEEDshare: Fashion media for a Fairer future
CLARA CHU: From bathmats to handbags – fashioning household items
XYZ.EXCHANGE: Hosting a hybrid physical and virtual conversation with the designers from the 2020Vision pilot
JOSHUA BEATY: Perfection in Imperfection toile drawing workshop with sustainable foundation
COMMUNITY CLOTHING X ZERO WASTE LEEDS: Valuing our clothes, protecting our planet
RAEBURN: RAEBURN Connects, episode 11
17/04/2021 - 19/04/2021 All day
ALICE DANSEY WRIGHT: Painting at home
KA-SHA: Design & Dialogue - Art of Upcycling x Embroidery
INDOI: Meet our crafts people
IGC FASHION: The journey of barkcloth
FOJE: Body Language (Part 1)
RUGANO RWEDU x PATCH MAOKO: The art of palpable art
ALLPAMAMAS: Journey of a thread – an immersion into textile art from the Andes of Ecuador
AUROBOROS, YOAV HADARI and LEO CARLTON: Virtually Fashion at Sarabande Foundation
FOJE: Body Language (Part 2)
ELLEN ROCK:” Her hands” | print story
18/04/2021 - 20/04/2021 All day
MOHSIN SAJID: Hemp history and future in the denim world and beyond
KA-SHA: Design & Dialogue - Art of Surface Patterns through Dye
FOS GRADUATE SPEEDSHARE 2021: How to establish yourself in a world turned over
TOKTAM HEMMATI: Lovely Waste (Part 1)
MAJA BRIX: Systems change
NUBA x IGC FASHION: The importance of culture and sustainability
OSHADI COLLECTIVE X CHRISTY DAWN: Seed-to-sew, a conversation
HELEN KIRKUM: Studio tour
19/04/2021 - 21/04/2021 All day
JESSE LEE: DIY Workshop with Jesse and his mom
KA-SHA: Design & Dialogue - Converse & Make
REJEAN: How to make the coalesce Zero Tote bag
VIMBAI: Re_birth
TOKTAM HEMMATI: Lovely Waste (Part 2)
BIRDSONG: From worker to wearer; the making of a garment
ELVIS & KRESSE: Our new site
SABINNA: How to turn your pre-loved clothes into accessories
PHOEBE ENGLISH: Approaches to process and material
GAIA: Inside the production process IG live
20/04/2021 - 22/04/2021 All day
ATELIER M/A: Make your own recycled coaster
FLAVIA LA ROCCA: How a modular piece is born: from sketch to reality
CHOL X SHAMA KUN: Handmade Tales
KA-SHA: Design & Dialogue - One on One
CUT A DASH: Exploring the ancient technique of Kurak
ENZI: Show crafting crash course
LEYLA KASHANI: Show and tell (Part 1)
MUNAY SISTERS: The importance of organic cotton
BLUE OF A KIND: from vintage to new life
LEYLA KASHANI: Show and tell (Part 2)
21/04/2021 - 23/04/2021 All day
MAFI MAFI: Giving your old clothing new life; upcycling workshop
YEFIKIR: Zero waste for change
RAHEMUR RAHMAN X ARANYA: the home of a natural dyer
MICHELLE LOWE-HOLDER: Crafting a collier
KATIE JONES: Patch it- making a mini crochet sticker to repair your favourite piece!
RAWAN MAKI: REVIVE and Relove- the value of giving our garments a new lease on life
PAVOL DENDIS x MODROTALAČ RABADA: Upcycled indigo dyed canvas
OLIVIA RUBENS: Repurposing, Mending your knits and Finger knitting
07/11/2022 06:00 - 09/11/2022 06:39
Restorying Riverscapes - Investigating the social and environmental impact of the textiles industry on the River Churnet.
You are invited to an afternoon of networking refreshments and presentations to explore the findings of the Restorying Riverscapes project, including input from the local community.
For more information on Restorying Riverscapes, please visit:
RSVP here: