Sequoia Fabrica Mend In Public Event

By Fashion Revolution

1 week ago

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26/04/2025 17:00 - 19:00 (America/New_York)
Sequoia Fabrica
Address: 1736 18th St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA

We are Sequoia Fabrica, a community makerspace in San Francisco’s Potrero Hill neighborhood fostering the next generation of makers, designers and craftspeople. We’re home to a wood and textile workshop, 3D printers and a laser cutter, electronics, crafts and fine arts supplies.

Cost: $10

Click here to register

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    Darning is a great place to start! Darning is a relaxing and rewarding way to extend the life of a garment and truly make it one of a kind.

    Our resident Mischief Maker Alex will guide you through the process of darning clothing repair. Bring your own well-worn clothes, or use one of an array of pieces we'll provide.



    LEVEL: Beginner

    - Needles
    - Thread
    - Embroidery floss
    - Darning mushrooms
    - Fabric

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    Soms koop je iets wat toch niet helemaal bij je past. Soms scheurt je favoriete broek op het slechtste moment. Soms loopt het gewoon anders dan gepland… en dat is helemaal oké! Heb jij kleren in je kast die je niet draagt? Breng ze mee en geef ze een tweede leven!

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    Every 5 minutes, 1 million items of clothing are made, less than 1 percent is recycled. In addition, the fashion industry is responsible for 2 to 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. These are staggering figures that prove how important it is to make your wardrobe more sustainable.

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