Okazi Fashion revolution night

By Fashion Revolution

5 days ago

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24/04/2025 17:30 - 21:00 (Europe/London)

On Thursday evening, April 24, 2025, Okazi Hasselt will open for a festive late night shopping including free workshops and disco beats! 🎉

The program:
🧵✂️ Textile Repair Café: Always wanted to learn how to sew, but do you find a sewing machine intimidating? Our volunteers will give you a free initiation into sewing. Bring your broken clothes and learn how to repair them yourself!

👗✨ Free styling by Anke Stienen: Do you dream of a unique look without burdening your wallet or the planet? Stylist Anke Stienen offers free styling advice - with clothes that you can thrift yourself!

👚🎨 Fashion expo: Be surprised by the fashion projects of fashion students!

📸☕️Coffee & Cake: Enjoy coffee and cake in our coffee bar! Share a photo from our photo booth and get a free coffee!

During Fashion Revolution Night in Okazi, we commemorate the Rana Plaza tragedy of 2013, which killed over 2,500 workers. This is a moment to reflect on the value of the clothes we wear and how we as consumers can make a positive impact.

We invite you to join us this week not only to commemorate the tragedy, but also to celebrate sustainable fashion and to think together about the future of fashion. Let’s stop looking away and rediscover the true value of clothes. 💚👚

Cost: Free

Click here to register

More Information: Onze missie als maatwerkbedrijf is om werk en ondersteuning op maat te bieden aan mensen die het moeilijker hebben om een baan te vinden op de 'reguliere arbeidsmarkt'. Hierdoor vinden zijn niet alleen een zinvolle dagbesteding en financiële zekerheid, maar ervaren ze ook (opnieuw) arbeidsvreugde. Our mission as a custom company is to offer work and support tailored to people who have a harder time finding a job on the 'regular labor market'. This not only helps them find meaningful daytime activities and financial security, but also (re)experience job satisfaction.