Divatforradalmárok – Kerekasztal beszélgetés/Fashion Revolutionaries – Roundtable discussion

By Fashion Revolution

4 months ago

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18/04/2024 18:00 - 20:00 (Europe/London)
High Five
Address: Budapest, Király u. 15, 1075 Hungary

Fashion Revolution Hungary will organise a roundtable discussion on how to shape the attitude towards sustainable fashion in Hungary, what the trend is compared to 5 years ago and what are the barriers to the broad spread of sustainable fashion.
- Eszter Gózon - sustainable style consultant
- Tünde Fritzson-Bajdor - owner of Swappis
- Zita Majoros - founder of Printa, one of the first environmentally conscious brands in Hungary
Moderator: Klaudia Pölz, fashion journalist, sustainable fashion brand manager, and Fashion Revolution Hungary volunteer.
Location: High Five Budapest

Cost: Free

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