AMENDS at Lot Projects – Textile mending and sewing workshop

By Fashion Revolution

4 months ago

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20/04/2024 10:30 - 15:00 (Europe/London)
Lot Projects
Address: Unit 2, Broadway Market Mews, London, UK, E8 4TS

A peer-led multidisciplinary project space fostering creative dialogues through collaboration and community

Cost: Free

Click here to register

More Information: Who we are: Alessandra Tombazzi is a service designer by day and repair enthusiast/textile artist by night. She loves all things mending, upcycling, reworking: anything that brings new life/joy/value. Jacob Elliott Roberts is a Costume Designer, Dance Artist and a Co-Director for Lot Projects. Lot Projects is a peer-led multidisciplinary project space fostering creative dialogues through collaboration and community.