Habits and priorities of contemporary fashion consumers in Czechia, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary

By Fashion Revolution Poland

10 months ago

In 2022 four Fashion Revolution teams from the Visegrad Group (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic) received a grant from the Visegrad Fund to conduct research rearding the habits and priorities of contemporary fashion consumers in those countries.


The research was shaped in a way that allowed for some comparisons with a similar study conducted earlier in Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the UK.

The research was conducted on representative groups of citizens in each of the countries: a total of 4000 people between the age of 16-75.

The results enable us to refer to the actual consumer habits from Central Europe.
From now on it is possible to compare central European markets to the Western ones. Before, all the available data came from Western markets.

Among others, the research shows:

> what are the main shopping factors for consumers from the Visegrad countries,
> what is their approach to pre-loved fashion, and
> how the transparency of supply chains and sustainable development influence purchasing decisions,
> what are their expectations towards brand and decision makers.

It demonstrates consumers’ demands for information regarding the environmental and social influence of production, the importance of legislative regulations, and the role of government and independent organisations in maintaining both responsible production and obeying the worker’s rights.

The data is differentiated based on the criterium of:
> country of origin,
> sex,
> age,
> and income.

The results are a vast source of knowledge for entrepreneurs, activists, and decision-makers including fashion brands and pre-loved sellers.


The research report is divided into 8 areas of research. It involves commentaries from 3 independent experts and a total of 10 authors and experts to provide varied points of view. These are 84 pages full of merit.

The research report is available free of charge at the project landing page. Visit Habits and priorities of contemporary fashion consumers in Czechia, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary.

The teams also made sure that the data is approachable and prepared summary sheets in all for national languages as well as in English. The are, too, available on the landing page.


Project coordinator / editor: Eliza Gawrjołek
Project co-coordinator: Agnieszka Wąsowska-Telęga / Małgorzata Przewalska
Fashion Revolution Poland Research Group: Eliza Gawrjołek / Julia Kaleta / Kornelia Warecka / Maria Iżbicka / Nicolle Prochowska / Martyna Pękala / Katarzyna Olesiuk
Fashion Revolution Slovakia: Martina Marekova-Kuipers / Linda Strakova
National Fashion League Hungary Association: Gabriella Mányi Walek / Annamária Sütőné Antal / Klaudia Pölz Fashion Revolution Czech Republic: Zuzana Ryšavá / Martin Beneš
Experts: Christiane Luible-Bär / Anna Miazga (Accenture Polska) / Klaudia Pölz / Helena Továrková

ISBN 978-83-960623-2-1

Supported by Visegrad Fund

The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund (under project ID 22220037).
The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.