
Estamos muy felices de contar con un equipo de trabajo heterogéneo y dispuesto. Con aptitudes, conocimiento, herramientas y experiencias de diversas áreas; diseño, comunicación, fotografía, artes dramáticas, legislación, producción, entre otras. Frente a la pluralidad que nos caracteriza, compartimos la convicción de que producir y consumir en Uruguay de forma sostenible, es posible.

A partir de las alianzas formadas hemos conseguido alcanzar grandes logros. Gracias a las instituciones educativas y culturales, intervenciones artísticas y en territorio. Proyectos de diseño y que se emprenden atendiendo la sostenibilidad. Marcas, empresas y personas que se hacen responsables de todo lo que involucra su gestión.
El diálogo e intercambio con quienes representan estos valores en la industria local, nos han permitido formar trabajos interdisciplinarios a partir de los distintos roles que como sociedad civil ejercemos. Reconocemos la riqueza de entender nuestra forma de aportar y esto energiza nuestro deseo de seguir descubriendo e introduciendo nuevos modelos de acción sustentable.

Invitamos a cada persona que resuene con nuestra voz a sumarse a nuestra causa desde cualquier área de saberes. Los años nos han demostrado que la colaboración puede surgir de diversos conocimientos. Frente a situaciones complejas como es la estructuración y puesta en práctica de las cadenas de suministro, será fundamental seguir descubriendo interseccionalidades para que podamos completar nuestro objetivo.

If you want to contact us, please complete the form on our Contact Page



Country Coordinator

Eloisa Ponce de León

Eloisa Ponce de León

View bio

Country Team

Alejandro Fernandez

Alejandro Fernandez

View bio
Lily Hernánde

Lily Hernánde

View bio
Paula Martinez

Paula Martinez

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Agustín  Fernandez Quezada

Agustín Fernandez Quezada

View bio
Lía Murillo

Lía Murillo

View bio
Alejandra Simó

Alejandra Simó

View bio


White Paper (Español)

Published December 2015.


Fashion Transparency Index 2016 (Español)

Ranking 40 of the biggest global fashion companies according to their level of transparency based on a questionnaire and publicly available information about supply chain issues. Published April 2016. Full research and methodology here


Fashion Transparency Index 2017 (Español)

Ranking the levels of transparency of 100 of the biggest global fashion companies.


Action kit: Brands, Wholesalers, Retailers & Distributors (Español)

Information on how get involved with Fashion Revolution Week 2018 if you are a fashion brand, wholesaler, retailer, distributor or designer.


Action kit: Everyone (Español)

Information on how get involved with Fashion Revolution Week 23-29th April 2018.


Action kit: Farmers, Producers & Factories (Español)

Information on how get involved with Fashion Revolution Week 2018 if you are a farmer, producer, factory or maker.


How to be a Fashion Revolutionary (Español)

Download the ‘How to be a Fashion Revolutionary‘ booklet. It’s full of inspiration and ideas about how you can use your voice and your power to transform the fashion industry as we know it.


Try a #haulternative (Español)

Want to avoid buying new clothes? Take the #haulternative challenge — a way of refreshing your wardrobe without buying new clothes: from shopping secondhand, swapping with a friend, renting special pieces, to DIY customisation.

Embajador Universitario (Español)

Embajador Universitario (Español)

Bring the Fashion Revolution to your University and inspire people to think differently about the clothes they buy and wear


Recursos Educativos

Free educational resources for all ages, such as worksheets, activities, information for educators, and how you can be a Student Ambassador at your university.

Discover more

I made your clothes (Español)

We invite brands and retailers to show us the people in your supply chain by sharing their stories, and help transform the industry by demonstrating transparency in your supply chain. Download and print an ‘I made your clothes’ poster for your producers to hold, and share using #imadeyourclothes


Who made my clothes? (Español)

You can download and print these posters to use with your selfie, when asking brands and retailers #whomademyclothes?



Fashion Revolution is only four years old and already the world’s largest fashion activism movement.
We will continue to push for greater transparency through investigative research, inspiring informative content and creative events, but we need your help.



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